Thursday, March 6, 2014

       Best flooring Decision Epoxy & Acrylic

Epoxy is a tough, long-lasting coating that you paint onto the concrete. It resists grease, oil and many other substances that would ruin ordinary paint. It cleans easily and can be found in a variety of colors (if you look hard enough), so you can keep your garage floor sparkling clean and attractive for years.
However, the reality of this challenging project is, one, not all concrete floors will hold a coating, and two, preparing concrete can be labor intensive and tedious. That said, this story will help you assess your concrete’s condition, show you how to clean and etch it, and demonstrate how to apply an epoxy surface that will handle car traffic, chemicals, oils, salt and scraping better than any other paint or stain.
As with any other paint job, success lies in the prep work. Plan to spend the first day removing oil spots, cleaning/degreasing the floor, etching it with a mild acid, and scrubbing, vacuuming and rinsing (a lot!). Day two is for filling cracks and applying the first coat of epoxy, which is followed by a second coat on day three. This job doesn't require many special tools. But to do the best job (and save your back), we recommend that you rent a walk-behind power floor scrubber with a stiff brush attachment. Brushes work better than scrubbing pads on concrete, but buy two pads if a brush isn't available. Also, rent a wet vacuum if you don't own or have access to one.


Contact us today for more information or a FREE quote!
Mile High Residential Epoxy  & Acrylic Systems LLC


  1. People often thought that why epoxy acrylic paint is so superior than other coatings. If you planned for implementing the Epoxy and Acrylic, then the blog point out the elementary stuffs attached with Epoxy and Acrylic flooring. Moreover, the epoxy and Acrylic coating paint on the concrete acts to fortify the paint and protect surfaces from different circumstances like from surface with weight bearing requirement, exterior surfaces exposed to harsh weather condition and the surfaces exposed to extreme high and low temperatures.
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